Removal Of Pubic Hair - Things You Should Know Before You Start

What is pubic hair good for? Scientists are still not surem about the function of pubic hair on our bodies. Some of the supposed uses of pubic hair include:
Pheromones are being disperse by the pubic hair to attract the opposite sex.
Pubic hair protects the genitals against friction during sexual intercourse.
Hair in the pubic region helps to keep the genitals warm.
Prevents dirt from entering the genitals.

Should I Get Rid Of My Pubic Hair?

People have been obsessed with the removal of pubic hair throughout the ages for vanity, comfort, hygiene, religious and sexual reasons. With the growing popularity of the bare look since the nineties, many men and women feel pressured to conform to this trend in order to fit in. You have to decide based on your personal preferences and beliefs on whether you want to remove pubic hair or not. Whatever your reason, it is imperative that you understand the pros and cons of the common pubic hair removal methods to choose the method that suits you best.

How Do People Remove Their Pubic Hair?

1. Shaving - People typically use the razor blades that they use on other parts of their bodies to shave their pubic hair. Men typically use their electric beard shavers or razor blades while women use their leg shavers. As a result, most people get annoying side effects such as ingrown hairs, itching and pubic pimples. If only they bothered to purchase a real pubic hair shaver.

2. Waxing - This method isn't for everyone. It hurts a lot and you have to expose your private parts to a stranger at a salon. The good thing is it tends to last longer than shaving. Alternatively, you may purchase home waxing kits to do it yourself in the privacy and comfort of your own home for a fraction of the cost of visiting a professional.

3. Depilatories - These come in the form of creams, gels, lotions and roll-ons. The chemicals in the depilatories break down hair so that you may clean them away easily. However, very few products are designed specifically for the pubic region. Applying depilatories on skin that it was not specifically made for may cause skin irritation.

4. Trimming - This is more for people who just want to reduce the length of their pubic hair. The most basic tool is to simply use a pair of scissors to trim your pubic hair to your desired length. It is kind of dangerous to use a sharp tool near your intimate parts. If that worries you, there are specialized tools available to trim your pubic hair without the risk of cutting nicked.

5. Permanent Removal - Electrolysis and laser treatments are 2 of the common permanent hair removal solutions. Electrolysis is a very long and exhausting process because each hair follicle has to be disabled individually. Laser treatments on the other hand are more convenient because it uses a light beam to disable an area of hair on your body. These treatments require multiple sessions to completely eradicate hair from your pubic region and they will cost a minimum of $500 or more.

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